Lynda Eccott
Associate Professor of Teaching
Lynda Eccott holds a BSc in biology from the University of Victoria and a master of science degree in pharmacology from UBC. She joined UBC Pharmaceutical Sciences in 1993 and has been a senior instructor (now associate professor of teaching) in the Faculty since 2002. In 2001, she was awarded UBC’s Killam Teaching Prize for recognition of excellence in teaching.
Lynda teaches about various natural health products in the integrated E2P curriculum and also teaches PHRM 221: Nutrition in Pharmacy Practice. In the area of natural health products, she has presented to pharmacists, consulted for companies, and published several articles including a chapter in the textbook Clinical Handbook of Psychotropic Drugs.
In addition, Lynda coordinates the clinical-directed studies program and is involved in leading the initiative to further promote student well-being throughout the Faculty.
She has extensive experience in developing curriculum around interprofessional education and has been invited to present IPE topics at national and international conferences.
Lynda has been the PI and Co-investigator on a number of TLEF grants that focus on curriculum development related to IPE and has published her work on IP-PBL. Areas of research interest include qualitative and quantitative research on the effectiveness of interprofessional education teaching strategies, overcoming barriers to pharmacist-physician collaboration, and professional identity and its relationship to negotiating roles in collaborative practice. She has also been invited to present IPE topics at national and international conferences.
Hui, P., Albon, S.P., Eccott, L.M. “Student data analysis of a cross-disciplinary, case-based problem using the web-based learning centre in a large pharmaceutics class.” The Journal of Informed Pharmacotherapy. 2002; 11:400.
Kwan, D., Boon H., Hirshkorn, K., Jurgens, T., Welsh, S., Cohen, J., Heschuk, S., and Eccott L.M. “The professional responsibilities of pharmacists with respect to natural health products: Focus group discussions with pharmacists and consumers.” CPJ Nov/Dec 2007 140(6). p.377 (abstract)
Boon H., Kwan, D., Olatunde, S., Hirshkorn, K., Jurgens, T., Welsh, S., Bajcar, J., Cohen J., Heschuk, S., & Eccott L.M. Pharmacists and Natural Health Products: Pharmacist and Consumer Perspectives on Roles. CAHSPR. (abstract)
Johnson, T., Boon H., Austin Z., Moineddin R., Eccott L., & Heschuk S. Canadian Pharmacy Students Knowledge of Herbal Medicine. Am J Pharm Educ. 2008 Aug 15;72 (4):75
Kwan, D., Boon H., Hirshkorn, K., Welsh, S., Jurgens, T., Eccott L., Heschuk, S., Griener, G. & Cohen-Kohler, J. Exploring consumer and pharmacist views on the professional role of the pharmacist with respect to natural health products: a study of Focus Groups. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2008, 8:40.
Eccott L., Greig A., Hall, W., Lee, M., Wood, V. Evaluating Student’s Perceptions of an Interprofessional Problem-based Learning Pilot Module. Journal of Allied Health. Winter 2012, Vol 41 (4);185-189.
Wood V., Eccott L., and Bainbridge L. A Blended Active Learning Pilot: A Way to Deliver Interprofessional Pain Management Education. Pharmacy 2013, 1, 218-227.
Wood, V., Eccott, L. and Crowell, P. iEthics: An Interprofessional Ethics Curriculum. Pharmacy 2022, 10(1), 12;
Eccott, L. Natural Health Products. In RM. Procyshyn, KZ Bezchlibnyk-Butler & JJ Jeffries (Eds.), Clinical Handbook of Psychotropic Drugs, 25th Ed. (pp.424-447) Hogrefe Publishing; 2023.