You're a part of history—our history. At the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at UBC, you share our roots, traditions and teachings. We love that we've all been through it together—and we'd love to stay in touch.
Membership Has its Privileges
Update Your Contact Information
Stay connected, wherever in the world your career path takes you. You're always a part of UBC Pharm Sci. Keep your information updated with us, and you'll never fall out of the loop.
Visit www.alumni.ubc.ca or call 604-827-1411. We'll be happy to update your contact information in the university-wide alumni database. Alternatively, you can do so yourself through a quick online submission.
Our monthly e-newsletter keeps you up to date and informed about the latest faculty and alumni news and achievements. It also provides event information and reunion updates. If you are not subscribed, please contact Pharmaceutical Sciences Alumni Engagement at pharmsci.alumni@ubc.ca.
During your studies at UBC, you shared all the excitement and hard work of learning your profession with your graduating class. Reunions are an excellent opportunity to reconnect, reminisce, network with your fellow classmates and learn all about the exciting new changes happening at UBC Pharm Sci.
We can supply a class list, provide guidance and support, assist with programming suggestions, and help ensure your reunion will be memorable. If you’re thinking about a reunion for your class’s next big milestone, send Pharmaceutical Sciences Alumni Engagement an email at pharmsci.alumni@ubc.ca.