Welcome to the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences' communications and marketing resource page. For any communications questions, please contact us at pharmsci.communications@ubc.ca.
Visit UBC's Brand site for more information.
Writing and Style Resources
Our Brand
Faculty Colours
For usage and application details, refer to section 2.3: Colour in the UBC Visual Identity Rules (PDF, 4.5 MB). PRINT colours are to be used for print communications and marketing collateral only, and Secondary colours cannot be used without the Primary colour. The DIGITAL colour is to be used for digital communications and marketing content only.
Faculty Logos
For usage and application details, refer to section 2.2: Unit Signatures and Partnership Signatures in the UBC Visual Identity Rules (PDF, 4.5 MB).
The main signature is for the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences as a whole. There are also seven secondary signatures: Pharmacists Clinic; Office of Experiential Education; Continuing Pharmacy Professional Development; Nanomedicine and Chemical Biology; Molecular and Systems Pharmacology; Collaboration for Outcomes Research and Evaluation; Pharmacy Education Research and Leadership.
Download Faculty Logo Package
For UBC logos, visit the UBC Brand site.
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