Jessica Kalra MSc, PhD
Assistant Professor of Teaching
Principle Investigator, Applied Research Center, Langara College
Staff Scientist, Experimental Therapeutics, BC Cancer Research Center
Dr. Jessica Kalra is an assistant professor of teaching in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at UBC, a principle investigator in the Applied Research Centre at Langara College and a staff scientist in Experimental Therapeutics at the BC Cancer Research Centre. She graduated from UBC with PhD in pathology and laboratory medicine.
Dr. Kalra has two theme areas of research and scholarly activity: 1. Developing and implementing in vitro and in vivo models for streamlined testing of drug efficacy and 2. innovation and evidence-based research and practice in STEM education.
Dr. Kalra has had many roles in post-secondary education. She has been teaching undergraduate students in STEM for over 20 years. She was integral to designing developing and implementing three new undergraduate programs at two institutions. Dr. Kalra also worked with faculty as a curriculum consultant and a facilitator of professional development for educators and is an academic integrity advocate with an ongoing program of scholarship in the area of academic integrity and universal design for learning.
J. Kalra, J Baker, J. Song, A. Kyle, A, Mitchinton, M Bally. “Inter-Metastatic Heterogeneity of Tumor Marker Expression and Microenvironment Architecture in a Preclinical Cancer Model”, International Journal of Molecular Science, 2021, June 13: 22(12)
J. Kalra, R. Anwar, V. Vogel, D. Smith, M. Ross, Encouraging Academic Integrity Through a Preventative framework”, BC Campus, Pressbooks, 2019.
J. Kalra, J Baker. “Multiplex immunohistochemistry for mapping the tumor microenvironment”. Signal Transduction Immunohistochemistry, Springer, December 2016.
J. Kalra, J Baker “Using digital quantification of stained tissue microarrays as a medium-throughput, quantitative method for measuring the kinetics of signal transduction”. Signal Transduction Immunohistochemistry, Springer, December 2016.
J. Kalra, D.T. Yapp, M. Webb, and M.B. Bally Chapter 26: “Applications for Drug Development”, invited chapter for The Handbook of Small Animal Imaging Preclinical Imaging, Therapy, and Applications, Taylor and Francis, March 2016.
J. Kalra, W. Dragowska, M.B. Bally. “Using pharmacokinetic profiles and digital quantification of stained tissue microarrays as a medium-throughput, quantitative method for measuring the kinetics of early signalling changes following ILK inhibition in an in vivo model of cancer.” Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, 2015 May; 63(9):691-709
J. Kalra, M. Anantha, H. Yan, D. Masin, D. Strutt, Y. Yang, M. Osooly, D. Waterhouse, M.B. Bally. “Non-Invasive, whole-body bioluminescent imaging as a means to assess tumor growth: Comparing the effects of taxotere when used to treat mice bearing LCC6 breast cancer tumors grown as ascites, orthotopic and metastatic disease.” Cancer Biology and Therapy, 2011 May; 1;11(9):826-38.
“Encouraging Academic Integrity Through a Preventative framework”, Canadian Symposium on Academic Integrity (Virtual), June 23 2021
“Developing circRNA signatures as a biomarker for the early diagnosis of Pancreatic Carcinoma.” Pancreas Centre BC Research Symposium, British Columbia Cancer Agency, British Columbia Canada, May 29 2017
“Characterization of exosomes and exosomal circular RNA from Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Carcinoma cell lines” International Society for Extracellular Vesicles, Toronto, Canada, May 19 2017
“Developing circRNA signatures as a biomarker for the early diagnosis of Pancreatic Carcinoma.” Centre for Blood Research, University of British Columbia, British Columbia Canada, January 14 2017
“Translational implications of evolving inter-tumoral, intra-tumoral and inter-metastatic heterogeneity.” Department of Biological Sciences, IRMACS Centre, Simon Fraser University British Columbia Canada, April 22 2016