Tessa Nicholl BSc, BSc(Pharm), MSc(Pharm), ACPR, RPh

Associate Professor of Teaching

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Tessa Nicholl holds a BSc, BSc (Pharm), and a Master of Science in Pharmacology from UBC. She completed a hospital residency in 1993 and then gained clinical experience as a hospital pharmacist until 2000. She then joined the faculty at UBC on a part-time basis while consulting, including a contract to develop and implement pharmacist participation in the HealthLink BC. She has been a full-time instructor since 2011, gaining tenure as a Senior Instructor in 2014.

Tessa developed and teaches Pharmacy 499, a required problem/case-based course that is unique in being tutorless. This course aims to provide numerous realistic learning opportunities to integrate and apply knowledge gained throughout the curriculum.

Tessa looks forward to planning the coordination of the third year Seminar course in the Seminar series in the E2P curriculum. Additionally, she will be module co-lead for dermatology in first year, and neuroscience in second year of the E2P curriculum.

Over the last few years, 2010-13, Tessa has supervised students in projects around the development of the model and process for The Pharmacists Clinic at UBC. With TLEF support, her team developed a new education and practice model; a model and process for providing Clinical Pharmacist Services in three Family Physician practice sites, involving 26 physicians. This project aimed to bridge the gap in understanding of the role of the pharmacist in the community care setting.

Tessa continues to take a scholarly approach to how she creates and supports a motivating and empowering learning environment. As a follow-up to her published article in AJPE, she is planning to continue creating and improving the learning environment and assessments that further motivate students to apply their knowledge in a patient-centered manner.


4th Year Teacher of the Year AFPC Award – 2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12, 2012/13, 2013/2014

UBC Killam Teaching Prize – 2013

Bristol-Myers Squibb Award for Excellence in Pharmaceutical Teaching – 2008/2009


Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF) - Developing a patient-centred Pharmacists Clinic (PC) to provide an enriched experiential learning program for pharmacy students - $119,200/ 12 months – 2012/13 – Tessa Nicholl, Ingrid Price, Alan Low, James McCormack, Robson Liu

TLEF - The Development and Implementation of the UBC Pharmacy Student Journal - $8,095/ 12 months – 2012/13 – Tessa Nicholl, Kelvin Liu, Sandy Mok

TLEF - Preparing Student for Patient-centered Practice in a Type II Diabetes Clinic - $27,450/ 12 months – 2012/13 – Lynda Eccott, Lesley Bainbridge Karol Traviss, Tessa Nicholl, Stella Yeung


Marion Pearson, Colleen Brady and Tessa Nicholl Enhancing Learning and Assessment Through Peer Teaching Annual AFPC–CPERC/CSPS Conference, Richmond, BC, June 4, 2010

Contact Details



Office 3509, Pharmaceutical Sciences Building

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