Tiana Tilli PharmD, RPh, ACPR
Clinical Pharmacist and Lecturer (She, Her, Hers)
Dr. Tiana Tilli brings her expertise in patient care, education and health promotion to the Clinic team. Areas of particular interest for Tiana include preventive health and inclusive care of potentially vulnerable patients. Tiana graduated from the University of Toronto with a Doctor of Pharmacy degree, and completed a hospital residency at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto. Prior to joining the Clinic team, Tiana worked in patient care practice and as a Sessional Clinical Lecturer at the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto.
Tilli T, Hunchuck J, Dewhurst N, Kiran T. Opioid stewardship: implementing a proactive, pharmacist-led intervention for patients coprescribed opioids and benzodiazepines at an urban academic primary care centre. BMJ Open Quality 2020;9:e000635. doi: 10.1136/bmjoq-2019-000635
Rezahi S, Mathers A, Patel P, Tilli T, Dolovich L. Telehealth in community pharmacy: A new "place" for the appointment-based model given COVID-19 and the future of health care. Canadian Pharmacists Journal/Revue des Pharmaciens du Canada. 2021 Nov;154(6):363-7. doi: 10.1177/17151635211014922
"Emerging Leader in Pharmacy Practice" Tilli T. University of Toronto Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy. March 9, 2022.
"New Practitioner of the Year Award" Tilli T. Ontario Pharmacists Association. June 5, 2021
“Faculty & Staff Impact Award”. Kiran, T, Tilli T, Hunchuck J, Dewhurst N, Lam-Antoniades M, Davie S. Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto. June 20, 2019.
"Hot Topics in Primary Care." Dunkin J. Tilli T. Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists BC Branch AGM. Vancouver, BC. November 19, 2022.
“Surviving Residency: Top 10 Tips All Residents Should Know.” Tilli T. Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists Ontario Branch Residents’ Clinical Conference. Toronto, ON. September 7, 2019.
“Optimizing the Pharmacy Student Experience to Create Innovative Leaders.” Tilli T. Canadian Pharmacists Association – Canadian Pharmacists Conference. Fredericton, NB. June 4, 2018.