UBC Pharm Sci researchers receive CIHR Project Grants Fall 2020 competition funding

March 5, 2021

Today, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) announced the recipients of their Fall 2020 Project Grants competition. Of the 354 grants approved, 41 were awarded to UBC researchers, to a cumulative total of $25.6m in funding. Of these, two were awarded to projects involving UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences researchers.

UBC Pharm Sci assistant professor, Dr. Karla Williams, is co-primary investigator on the “Materials and technologies for highly sensitive biomarker analysis of extracellular vesicles toward cancer diagnostics” project, in conjunction with Dr. Walter Algar, UBC Chemistry. The project has been awarded $367,200 in CIHR funding over a period of three years. 

Dr. Mark Harrison, associate professor, is co-primary investigator on a project with Dr. Nicholas Bansback, UBC School of Population and Public Health. The project, titled “Evaluating the impact of a mandatory switching policy for biosimilars”, will receive $298,350 in CIHR funding across three years.

The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Project Grants competition was established to support researchers at any career stage to create and execute health-related research projects. To learn more about the CIHR Project Grants initiative, click here.

View the full list of UBC-led project grants.

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