I. Student Experience – striving for our students to:
a) Provide effective and safe direct patient care and/or services through evidence-based medicine
b) Practice culturally safe care
c) Gain confidence in clinical and/or scientific decision-making and a broad perspective on all aspects that influence health outcomes
d) Experience a variety of experiential settings
e) Take responsibility and accountability for the patient care and/or service they provide
f) Communicate and collaborate effectively in a professional environment
g) Participate in peer learning and mentorship
II. Experiential Partner Experience – striving for our partners to:
a) Demonstrate an interest in precepting and engaging with students
b) Have access to training and development through multiple delivery options
c) Provide and receive purposeful feedback
d) Feel engaged with and supported by the Faculty
e) Feel valued through meaningful acknowledgement and recognition
f) Utilize a range of preceptorship models within various practice settings
III. Experiential Education Sites – striving for our sites to:
a) Exhibit high quality patient-centered care and/or services based on best practices
b) Allow for a diverse and robust range of learning experiences
c) Gain value in hosting students
d) Provide interprofessional collaborative learning environments
e) Have students play an active role within the health care team or organization
IV. Program Advancement – striving for our program to:
a) Engage in research-informed and evidence-based educational practices
b) Create connections and foster collaborative relationships with students and experiential partners
c) Recruit a variety of innovative experiential sites and learning opportunities for our students
d) Ensure CCAPP accreditation standards and AFPC outcomes are met through quality assurance processes
e) Support and enable teaching and learning excellence, encouraging experiential partners and sites to participate in evaluation and scholarship initiatives
f) Demonstrate leadership in the scholarship of teaching and learning and contribute to the research and innovation in experiential education