The UBC Canadian Pharmacy Practice Program (CP3) is a comprehensive program designed to help International Pharmacy Graduates and Canadian-trained pharmacists achieve the skills and competencies required to practice pharmacy in Canada. CP3 includes a 12.5 week Structured Practical Training (SPT) practicum, which satisfies requirements necessary for licensure with the College of Pharmacists of British Columbia.

Learn more about the program

Course Materials

For all course materials, including the course handbook and policies, please visit the OEE Partner Resource Centre.

Visit the Resource Centre now

Practice Educator Assessment of the Student

Students are assessed by their practice educator using a written assessment form for the Structured Practical Training practicum. This form can be found in the OEE Partner Resource Centre.

Practicum Course

Structured Practical Training (SPT)

  • Occurs in January, April, and August each year
  • 500 hours (12.5 weeks)
  • Course Coordinator: Gilly Lau

Structured Practical Training is a direct patient care practicum in the outpatient pharmacy setting. This practicum emphasizes outpatient pharmacy workflow, the role of the pharmacist, and knowledge, comprehension, and application of skill in patient care activities.

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