MSc student
Research Theme:
Pharmacy Education Research and Leadership
Prior Education:
Bachelor of Pharmacy, University of Ilorin
Kwara State, Nigeria
“The highlight of my time at Pharm Sci so far would be the guidance and support extended to me by my supervisor.”
Tell us a bit about your past educational and professional experience.
My undergraduate research is on Bacteriocin Production in Staphylococcus aureus resistant to selected antibiotics.
Upon graduation, I have had various opportunities to put my knowledge to practice while working in different capacities in community pharmacy, clinical pharmacy, administrative pharmacy, and public health spaces. This includes working as a follow-up clinician at Maryland Global Initiative Corporation, Nigeria, where I’ve gained firsthand experience of the dynamics of pharmaceutical health outcomes and the role of research and proper data analysis in policy design. Further, I have also been involved in a pharmacovigilance study of the COVID-19 vaccine, where I worked with an interprofessional team of various professionals and had the opportunity to observe the importance and impact of interprofessional collaboration.
What is your research focus and what are some of the goals you would like to accomplish through the program?
My research centres around the utilization of social network analysis to gain insights into the care team composition according to the perspective of patients. The aim is to promote patient-centred care and foster collaborative efforts among care professionals. The findings from this investigation will serve as a guide for implementing and evaluating a care coordination model specifically designed for older adults in primary care settings.
My goal upon completion of my graduate studies is to join the research and development department in a world-renowned organization as a primary healthcare researcher in an interprofessional care team.
What has stood out to you the most from your time at UBC Pharm Sci so far?
The highlight of my time at Pharm Sci so far would be the guidance and support extended to me by my supervisor. Despite being new to mixed-method research, my supervisor has welcomed most of my ideas and helped me develop my research skills.
How have you found support and community at UBC?
The graduate student residence has allowed me to meet and connect with other like-minded graduate students from diverse cultures and experiences.
Additionally, all the fun social activities Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate Student Society has organized, such as Fika (a Swedish-inspired mid-day coffee and snack break) and beach BBQ have helped me form deep friendships with my peers, enabling me to find a sense of belonging in the Faculty.
What are some fun activities you enjoy doing in and around Vancouver?
Vancouver is the ideal place for anyone looking for an exciting and varied choice of activities because it is home to some of the most spectacular natural beauties in the world.
One of my favorite places to visit is Bloedel Conservatory, located in Queen Elizabeth’s Park at Vancouver’s highest point. I also visit a lot of the local museums, including the Museum of Anthropology.
When I need a break from all the school stress, I take a walk along the Vancouver seawall. The sight of the large open water and surroundings help to calm my nerves.