Funding Opportunities
Shoppers Drug Mart Award in Pharmaceutical Sciences for Black Students
Awards totaling $1,800 have been made available through an endowment established by Shoppers Drug Mart, along with matching funds from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, for second-, third- and fourth-year students in the Entry-to-Practice PharmD program who identify as Black, are in good academic standing, and have demonstrated leadership, volunteerism or community service. Shoppers Drug Mart was founded in 1962 and operates over 1,300 stores across Canada. Shoppers Drug Mart and its Associate Pharmacy Owners in British Columbia and the Yukon established this award to support Black students during their pharmacy education. The awards are made on the recommendation of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Enhanced Opportunities Undergraduate SSRP (EOU-SSRP) Funding Program
EOU-SSRP provides project supervisors funding to hire eligible undergraduate students from underrepresented communities. This year, funding is available to support one (1) eligible student at the BC minimum wage for up to 16 weeks on a full-time basis.
Students who wish to compete for these awards will be undergraduates who self-identify as:
- Indigenous;
- Black or Person of Colour;
- Person with Disabilities;
- First Generation Student (i.e., the first person in your family to attend higher education);
- From a rural/remote or other area that is geographically underserved in terms of access to higher education.
For those students who have self-identified as Indigenous or from underrepresented communities on the Application Form, this opportunity will be discussed at the project supervisor(s)/students interview phase of the application process.
We highly encourage students who self-identify within these categories to apply. Students who are accepted for other stipend funding competitions may not be eligible for this funding.
For more information, please click here.
Past Events, Training and Workshops
The Faculty has supported and facilitated various faculty-wide training workshops with a focus on EDI:
2021 | Fundamentals of Anti-Oppression by Udokam Iroegbu, facilitated by Bakau Consulting |
2021 | Women’s Perspective – Panel Discussion on Career Path, Leadership and Change |
2021 | Disrupting Unconscious Bias workshop, presented by Udokam Iroegbu |
2022 | Symposium – Racism is Deadlier Than You Think: An Anti-racist Approach to Health Education and Care |
2022 | In partnership with UBC Health, hosted workshop: Racism is Deadlier Than You Think: Listening, Unlearning, and Relearning to Promote Anti-Racism in Healthcare Education |
2023 | EDIF Enhancing Intercultural Understanding workshop |
July 2023 | Hosted Multiculturalism Day Snack Break and Social Event to celebrate various multicultural snacks |
Fall 2023 | Creation of EDIF Book Club |
Nov 2023 | EDIF facilitated a workshop on enhancing intercultural understanding, covering a range of topics (The Importance of Intercultural Learning/Intercultural Communication/Intercultural Teaching and Learning Workshop). |
March 2024 | Hosted a talk with Eden Robinson, award-winning Indigenous writer and storyteller from Kitimat, BC. At the talk, Eden gave a reading from her book, Son of a Trickster, and shared her perspectives on being an Indigenous author. |
Spring 2024 | Learning Activity Development Through an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Lens presented at the UBC Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology Spring Institute 2024. Download the EDI Self Check Tool; V.5 Updated Jan 2025 (XLSX, 20 KB) when developing a course or course activity. This tool is shared under Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-SA. This license enables re-users to distribute, remix, adapt and build upon the material in any medium or format for non-commercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences as the creator. If you remix, adapt or build upon the material, you must license the modified material under identical terms. |
Please check back for future Pharm Sci EDI educational opportunities or visit UBC’s Equity & Inclusion Office for details on upcoming UBC workshops and events.
Pharm Sci Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee (EDIAC)
The Pharm Sci Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Indigeneity Advisory Committee (EDIAC) is responsible for implementing UBC’s policies related to equity, diversity, inclusion and indigeneity within the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. This committee includes representatives from students, faculty and staff.
EDIAC provides advice and updates to the Dean, Assistant Dean and the Senior Management Team (SMT) regarding long-range and strategic EDI initiatives and planning. The EDI Advisory Committee is accountable to the SMT and the Dean. The Committee Chair will provide regular updates to the SMT. EDIAC membership responsibilities include:
- Undertake initiatives (including surveys and consultations) to identify areas in which the Faculty can improve on its EDI activities and bring those to the attention to the Assistant Dean and SMT.
- Provide feedback and advice on equity, diversity and inclusion initiatives proposed by the Assistant Dean.
- Provide feedback and advice on how the Faculty should respond to and implement University-level initiatives (e.g., UBC Inclusion Action Plan).
- Contribute to committee’s efforts in advancing EDI goals within the unit and across the Faculty through advice and expertise so that the committee and SMT can make informed decisions on EDI matters.
- Contribute to the committee’s annual report to the Faculty.
- Contribute to the committee’s efforts in promoting the Faculty’s EDI priorities, as required.
The following members currently serve on the EDIAC (2022–2024). Membership on the EDIAC was selected based with a focus on a diversified representation on the committee. Thank you to all those who have expressed interest. The EDIAC will advise and provide updates to the Dean, Assistant Dean and the SMT regarding long-range and strategic EDI initiatives and planning. Minutes from the committee will be made available to all faculty and staff via MS Teams.
EDIAC Members for 2022–2024
VOTING, Ex-officio | |
1. Director, Office of Student Services (1) | Jennifer Chatterton |
2. Director, Human Resources (1) | Janet Ferraro |
3. Graduate and Postdoctoral Academic Advisor (1) | Linda Herbert |
4. Faculty Member (1/3) | Paulo Tchen |
5. Faculty Member (2/3) | Anil Maharaj |
6. Faculty Member (3/3 | Ly Vu |
7. UG Student Representative | Grace Song |
8. Graduate Student Representative (1) | Megan Thomas |
9. Postdoctoral Fellow or Research Associate (1) | Joseph Amegadzie |
10. Chair of Committee | Clara Ng |
NON-VOTING, Ex-officio | |
EDI Administrative Support | Carolyn Rogers |
EDIAC Terms of Reference
Additional Resources:
- Anti-racism and inclusive excellence at UBC
- Creating a Respectful and Inclusive Workplace for Employees with Disabilities
- Positive Space campaign: Fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment, and respectful dialogue on campus for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities
- Gender diversity learning materials and resources: At UBC, we are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming campus environment for all our sexual and gender diverse students, faculty, staff and community members. The UBC Equity and Inclusion Office’s Beyond the Binary video, and introductions to the importance of using preferred names, pronouns and gender markers, provide an overview of these foundational topics.
- How to be an active bystander (aka upstander)
- The Equity and Inclusion Office works with campus partners to ensure adherence with the Employment Equity policy, Discrimination & Harassment policy, and UBC Statement on Respectful Environment. The office provides resources, advising and support services to students, faculty and staff to support employment equity, education, leadership and proactive initiatives to promote and maintain a respectful environment. Learn more here.
- Click here for more information on how UBC is creating a respectful learning, working and living environment for the campus community.
- Visit the UBC Bullying & Harassment Prevention website to learn about preventing bullying and harassment in the workplace.
Additional Websites:
Pharm Sci Strategic Plan
Catalyst for Change: 2023–2026 identifies a unique set of opportunities for the Faculty that build upon our track record of success and the strong relationships that we have with our collaborators inside and outside the University.
Strategic Area: Integrated Approach to Underserved Communities
We will take an integrated approach to support expanded access to both education and healthcare within underserved communities. Pharmacists play a particularly important role in healthcare delivery in rural and remote communities, and we therefore have a real opportunity to support the development of education, research and practice for improved patient outcomes and experience. Reinforcing UBC priorities, we know that there is mutual benefit in creating close connection with all communities across the province, and we are deeply committed to enhancing our interface with Indigenous populations. In particular, we see opportunities to improve our support of applicants, students and practitioners from underserved communities.
Achieved Goals:
- Initiated Underserved Communities Task Force with representation from students, faculty and staff.
- Initiated development of an Alumni Ambassador Program.
- Developed draft Underserved Communities Strategic Plan.
For additional information on the Faculty’s strategic plan, click here.
Pharm Sci Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Forum (EDIF)
EDIF aims to foster an inclusive community and culture within Pharm Sci that is welcoming to all by:
- Providing educational programming and events for Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences faculty, staff and students across a wide range of EDI topics and interests.
- Acting as a hub to connect, support and advance affinity groups and community-led initiatives within the Faculty.
- Serving as a conduit to promote awareness of EDI issues, initiatives and events (internal and external).
- Supporting the EDIAC in advancing the Faculty’s long-range and strategic EDI initiatives and planning.
Individuals from the UBC Pharm Sci community can get involved with EDIF by:
- Joining the EDIF Planning Group as a committee member or Faculty Advisor.
- Sharing their ideas/info/questions/concerns/etc. with the EDIF Planning Group.
- Supporting and attending EDIF events and initiatives.
EDIF Planning Group
This group will plan and execute EDIF events and initiatives. Membership is open to faculty, staff, postdoctoral fellows, and students within the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. The group aims to have a composition representative of our Pharm Sci community (i.e., including individuals from varying equity-deserving groups, and individuals who represent varying expertise, perspectives and lived experiences).
Members (TBC)
- Co-chairs: Linda Herbert and Mandy Khara
- Indigenous Strategic Initiatives Manager
EDIF Planning Document (PDF, 200 KB)
Contact EDIF
Resources and Steps for Harassment and Discrimination Complaints
Click here (PDF, 800 KB) to open an online resource for students, staff, faculty and postdoctoral fellows in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at UBC.