January 2025
Dr. Nicole Krentz was awarded a 2024–2025 seed grant ($30,000) from Breakthrough T1D Centre of Excellence for the project "RREB1 and Ras signalling in cytokine-induced beta cell death" with co-applicant Dr. Jim Johnson (LSI).
Project Title: Shifting Culture: Using social constructivist pedagogy to move from a fixed definition of academic integrity to a dynamic, relational model of academic integrity. PI: Jessica Kalra. Amount: 6,447 CAD. Timeframe: 2025–2026. Funder: SSHRC Explore competition.
CORE PI Laura Schummers, with CORE trainees Elizabeth Nethery & Andrea Stucchi, received a 4-year CIHR project grant. $929,476. Effect of Canada's first universal contraception subsidy on access, pregnancy outcomes, and costs: a population-based controlled interrupted time series study.
NPI Laura Schummers, Principal KU Bonnie Henry, Co-PIs Fiona Clement, Michael Law, Nathan Nickel. CoIs: S Bertazzon, A Black, E Brennand, S Bryan, E Darling, C Davies, V Greene, S Grischow, I Kuo, S Lee, K McGrail, A Metcalfe, E Nethery, W Norman, V Poliquin, A Seraji, A Stucchi.
Swidrovich J (PI), Ajiboye W (Co-I), Henry R (Co-I), Tan D (Co-I). Collaborators: Acharya S, Dame J, Lai T, Lamb A, Lim T, McCrady K, Poitras P, Ruben A, Scarfone K, Schonbe A, Tang A, Waters, B. A Culturally Responsive Prospective Study to Improve Education and Access to HIV Preexposure Prophylaxis for First Nations, Métis and Inuit Peoples. $76,500. Project Grant, Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). 2024.
Lipid Nanoparticle-messenger RNA (LNPmRNA) as a versatile therapeutic platform for brain diseases. Macvicar, BA; Bernier, L; Cullis, PR; Lynd, LD; Ross, CJ; Tremblay, S; Weilinger, NL. $577,574. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. 3 years.
Ricky Turgeon & Blair MacDonald (PhD student) from CORE were part of a successful CIHR Project Grant entitled "Evaluation of an asPirin-free strAtegy with ticagrelor in patieNts wiTH acutE corONary syndrome treated medically: the PANTHEON randomized controlled trial". PIs: Guillaume Marquis-Gravel, Kevin Bainey, Fracesco Costa, Jean-Claude Tardif. $6,972,975 for 2025–2031.