Program Overview
From our desire to create a PharmD program for working pharmacists who are delivering care to their patients, we’ve designed the Flex PharmD Program to have flexibility* in the pace at which you complete coursework and experiential components. The curriculum includes a variety of learning opportunities from onsite hands-on learning sessions, to case-based learning, interactive video conferencing, online examinations, and numerous experiential learning sites.
Work at your own pace, learn from leaders and experts, and take advantage of opportunities that meet your learning needs and will enhance your practice and career.
*Not all courses offered each term.
Program Roadmap

(1) Course includes mandatory on-site sessions at the UBC-Vancouver campus.
(2) Courses are prerequisites to any Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE) course
(3) Course is available after successful completion of all other coursework
Students are permitted up to six (6) years to complete the degree requirements, however, the actual program length for each student will vary based on the student’s experience, prior learning assessment decisions, course availability, and personal and work schedules. Most students will complete the program within three (3) to five (5) years. Flex PharmD students are encouraged to discuss their course schedules with an advisor in the Faculty in the first year of the program.
Sample 3-year & 5-year program maps are available for individual consideration here.
The Curriculum
The emphasis of the coursework is on advanced clinical practice, with advanced pharmacotherapeutic problem-solving and experiential learning. We've designed the Program to ensure students receive necessary hands-on experience to develop their skills to the highest level. The curriculum incorporates two components:
- 34 credits of didactic course work, the majority of which is completed online; and
- 26 weeks of practicum courses.
- PHRM 450: PharmD Seminar
- PHRM 451: Critical Appraisal of Pharmacotherapy Literature (1)(2)
- PHRM 452: Patient Assessment Skills (1)(2)
- PHRM 453: Applied Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacogenomics (2)
- PHRM 454: Practice Management
- PHRM 499: Comprehensive Examination (3)
- PHRM 461: Pharmacotherapeutics 1, Therapeutic Foundations (2)
- PHRM 462: Pharmacotherapeutics 2, Respirology, dermatology, and ears, eyes, nose, and throat
- PHRM 463: Pharmacotherapeutics 3, Cardiovascular disorders
- PHRM 464: Pharmacotherapeutics 4, Infectious diseases
- PHRM 465: Pharmacotherapeutics 5, Neurology and psychiatry
- PHRM 466: Pharmacotherapeutics 6, Gastroenterology and musculoskeletal disorders
- PHRM 467: Pharmacotherapeutics 7, Genitourinary disorders, reproductive health, endocrinology, and nephrology
- PHRM 468: Pharmacotherapeutics 8, Oncology, hematology, and toxicology
- PHRM 469: Pharmacotherapeutics 9, Acute and critical care of nephrology, neurology, cardiovascular disorders, gastroenterology, infectious diseases, and respirology
(1) Course includes mandatory on-site sessions at the UBC-Vancouver campus.
(2) Courses are prerequisites to any Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE) course
(3) Course is available after successful completion of all other coursework
Practicum Courses
During practicums, students will be able to apply the knowledge they have acquired through the Program, and gain confidence in applying evidence-based principles to drug therapy decisions. All practicums are full-time and 4-weeks in duration with the exception of PHRM 496, which is a 6-week practicum.
- PHRM 491: Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience – Outpatient
- PHRM 492: Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience – Inpatient
- PHRM 493: Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience – Specialized Outpatient
- PHRM 494: Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience – Ambulatory / Primary Care
- PHRM 495: Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience – Selected Direct Patient Care
- PHRM 496: Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience – Selected Direct Patient Care or Non-Direct Patient Care
Students can begin to take practicum courses after successful completion of PHRM 451, PHRM, 452, PHRM 453, and PHRM 461. There is no required order that students must follow to complete the practicums.
The Faculty’s Office of Experiential Education (OEE) oversees and schedules all practicums for Flex PharmD students.